About Our Before & After School Program

Ages 4-12 Full School Year Commitment Required

Our recreational after-school program provides students with a place to unwind their minds through the practice of suspension yoga, and mindfulness activities after a full day of school. Our before school program provides children with the tools to help manage their mindsets in preparation for a full day of learning. Transportation to local schools from the studio for the before-school program, and to the studio from local schools for the after-school program is included in your registration.

Program Fees
Before school fee $10/day/student
After school fee $25/day/student
Program Hours
Before School Hours   7:00am – School Drop Off Time.
After School Hours   School Pick-Up Time – 6:00pm
2025-2026 School Year – Students will be shuttled to and from the following schools:

St. Anne’s Catholic School
Alton Village Public School
St. Timothy Catholic School

CH Norton Public School
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
Charles R Beaudoin Public School


* for schools not on this list please email us for availability. 

Daily Activities

In the morning, children will be guided through a series of gentle suspension yoga poses and breathing techniques to help prepare their minds for a full day of learning. During our after-school program, children will be given time to enjoy a healthy snack (students provide) before engaging in a variety of mindfulness activities, conversations about healthy life skills, fostering a positive growth mindset and the meaning of mindfulness. Then, students take part in a 45-60 minute suspension yoga session which can include a series of suspension yoga poses, breathing techniques and fun games. The after-school program concludes with a 15-20 minute low light guided medication in their slings, focusing on calming the mind and body before parents arrive for pick-up. This program is designed to embrace positivity while learning how to control and release negative energy through breathing, suspension yoga poses and meditation.

Travel Safety

Our staff of friendly after-school pick-up drivers are fully licensed, undergo background driving record checks, fully insured and trained with Yoga-Tastic 4 Kids Inc. policies. Booster seats will be made available for students who need them to ensure safe travelling requirements are met. Should a student be absent during pick-up, our drivers have specific procedures on know how to handle the situation. Passenger safety, respect for drivers and other students is our #1 priority.

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About Our Before & After School Program

Ages 4-12 Full School Year Commitment Required

Our recreational after-school program provides students with a place to unwind their minds through the practice of suspension yoga, and mindfulness activities after a full day of school. Our before school program provides children with the tools to help manage their mindsets in preparation for a full day of learning. Transportation to local schools from the studio for the before-school program, and to the studio from local schools for the after-school program is included in your registration.

Program Fees
Before school fee $10/day/student
After school fee $25/day/student
Program Hours

Before School Hours   7:00am – School Drop Off Time.
After School Hours   School Pick-Up Time – 6:00pm

2025-2026 School Year – Students will be shuttled to and from the following schools:

St. Anne’s Catholic School
Alton Village Public School
St. Timothy Catholic School

CH Norton Public School
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School
Charles R Beaudoin Public School

*for schools not on this list, please email us for availability.

Daily Activities

In the morning, children will be guided through a series of gentle suspension yoga poses and breathing techniques to help prepare their minds for a full day of learning. During our after-school program, children will be given time to enjoy a healthy snack (students provide) before engaging in a variety of mindfulness activities, conversations about healthy life skills, fostering a positive growth mindset and the meaning of mindfulness. Then, students take part in a 45-60 minute suspension yoga session which can include a series of suspension yoga poses, breathing techniques and fun games. The after-school program concludes with a 15-20 minute low light guided medication in their slings, focusing on calming the mind and body before parents arrive for pick-up. This program is designed to embrace positivity while learning how to control and release negative energy through breathing, suspension yoga poses and meditation.

Travel Safety
Our staff of friendly after-school pick-up drivers are fully licensed, undergo background driving record checks, fully insured and trained with Yoga-Tastic 4 Kids Inc. policies. Booster seats will be made available for students who need them to ensure safe travelling requirements are met. Should a student be absent during pick-up, our drivers have specific procedures on know how to handle the situation. Passenger safety, respect for drivers and other students is our #1 priority.
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Program Terms & Conditions


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